Preparation of Forest Land Use Plans (FLUPs) of Four (4) Municipalities in the Province of Romblon
Duration: August 2020 – August 2021
A Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP) provides direction and guide to the Local Government Units (LGUs), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and other stakeholders on how to sustainably manage forest lands within their area of responsibilities. FLUPs also serve as a basis for the up-to-date forest lands status, which gives the LGUs and DENR an overview of the management protocol that should be emphasized and implemented.
CELPA, Inc. formulated the FLUPs for the Municipalities of San Agustin, Calatrava, Alcantara, and San Jose in the Province of Romblon. The required outputs followed the DENR Forest Management Bureau Technical Bulletin No. 2.