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Assessment of the Implementation of the Philippine Masterplan for Climate Resilient Forestry Develop

Writer's picture: Dana Marie MejiaDana Marie Mejia

Started: September 23, 2022

The Forestry Master Plan was formally adopted through DAO 2019-06 (Adoption of the Philippine Master Plan for Climate-Resilient Forestry Development 2016-2028). This serves as the national framework plan for the forestry sector with a vision towards a climate resilient and sustainably managed watersheds and forest ecosystems providing environmental and economic benefits. The Master Plan consists of forestry sector programs and strategies to strengthen resilience of forest ecosystems and communities to climate change, to respond to demands for forest ecosystems goods and services, to promote responsive governance in the forestry sector and other support strategies.

In line with the monitoring of the PMPCRFD implementation, initial assessments on the implementation of the Masterplan were conducted by FMB in 2020 and 2021 through document review and online conferences. This revealed the need to level-off on the indicators of the outputs, baselines and annual targets. In addition, some of the activities have low accomplishments such as IWMP formulation, FLUP formulation, grazing land management, commercial forest plantation development for round wood production and fuelwood/bioenergy plantation development.

With the objective of facilitating the achievements of targets under the PMPCRFD, an assessment on its implementation from 2016 to 2021 is necessary, including problems and issues 21 encountered in implementation. The result of the study will help the DENR, FMB and regional and field offices in the accomplishment of targets under the master plan, setting of annual targets and in monitoring of the progress or lack thereof in its implementation. The result of the assessment will also be used as a guide in setting of directions relative to the updating of the Plan vis-à-vis recent developments related to the Forestry Sector.


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